Heading 1.

Heading 2.

Heading 3.

Heading 4.

Paragraph. Though capitalization and special characters may hold up here, format does not (AKA, if you tab-over within a Paragraph, or use multiple spacebars, or use the Enter key to make space between two paragraphs within the code, they will not show up in the actual webpage). Browsers automatically add a single blank line before and after each Paragraph element; you can use new elements instead of the enter key.
Alternatively, you can use a Break tag to create a new line (without the single break line).

Image. Here is how to insert an image:

Girl in a jacket
Preformatted Text. Multiple     spaces     within     the      text     and 
make a difference. Otherwise, Preformatted Text is basically identical to the Paragraph element, but usually displayed in the browser's default monospace font. 

Hyperlink. The Hyperlink tag is used to create hyperlinks, which can connect your webpage to other webpages. Linked is a list of attributes, or specific instructions, you can add to a Hyperlink tag. It is reccomended to use the target="break" attribute in your links: this ensures they open in a new tab instead of loading in the current tab (your webpage). Hyperlinks do not need to be within Paragraphs or other text, but this is done here for formatting and convienience.

Abbr and Dfn. Abbreviations and Definitions can be used together to indicate what an abbreviation means, and where to find it's definition (they can also be used independantly).
Using the id attribute on the Definition, the abbreviation can be linked to somewhere else on the page so that cliciking it draws up the full definition.
Using the title attribute on the Abbreviation, the title/name will appear when the abbreviation is hovered over.

Bi-Directional Override. This can specify the direction text will write in; useless, but fun!

Blockquotes. Blockquote tags are basically the same as a Paragraph, but indented. They can be used to indicate a quote from another source, and can be cited within the code using the cite attribute.


Inline Frame. This embeds another document inside the HTML page; it's basically the replacement for an embed tag.

Input. There are MANY different types of input; check out W3School's list of options to choose from. Also check out some Neocities sites by other users, to see how they added Input tags!

Code. The Code tag is used to define a piece of computer code. The text is displayed in the browser's default monospace font. Code tags do not need to be within Paragraphs or other text, but this is done here for formatting and convienience (without it's own Paragraph, however, it will stay on the same line as the previous text).

Sample Output. This is used to define sample output from a computer program, and can be used during instructions or tutorials. The text is displayed in the browser's default monospace font, and must be within a Paragraph or other text added to the document.

Keyboard Input. Keyboard Input can be used to define something a user should do, or type, into their computer to get an output. It can be used during instructions or tutorials. The text is displayed in the browser's default monospace font, and must be within a Paragraph or other text added to the document.

Variable. Variable tags can be used to specify what in a text is considered a variable, like in coding or mathematical equations. It can be used during instructions or tutorials. The text is usually itallic, and must be within a Paragraph or other text added to the document.